Personal Projects

Here are some personal projects I've made in my free time, some of them for learning new technologies and some of the just for fun. Each one of them have a Live Demo and it's code posted in my GitHub account.

Personal Web Site

React, Gatsby.

To Do List

Vue, Vuex.

Web Chat

React, Firebase (Storage, Authentication, Hosting).

Monday Movies

Flutter (for Android and iOS).

Flutter Designs

Designs to use with Flutter.

Flutter QR Reader

Flutter, QR Reader, SQL Lite, Maps, Streams.

Flutter User Preferences

Shared Preferences, Drawer, Singleton.

Flutter Product Market

RxDart, BLOC, CRUD, AUTH, Camera.

Flutter News App

Provider Pattern, API Calls.

Gatsby Web Resume

Gatsby, React.

Loans Calculator App

React Native.

TODO Console App

NodeJS Console App.

Weather Console App

NodeJS Console App.